Friday, March 16, 2012

Showery then Dry and Mild

The weather is going to be showery over the weekend but after that next week looks quite dry and mild. At the moment Venus is visible in the sky. I tried to video it with a webcam but with disasterous consequences. Look here and see you will have to wait 21seconds to see the white speck that is Venus over Sligo. Jupiter is underneath but too faded now I should have videod it earlier.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Dry at First, RIsk Rain

Ireland will have a lot of dry weather to begin with some warm sunshine as well. Most of the rain will be confined to Atlantic coastal areas and even here it will be sunny at times. Temperatures will be several degrees above norrmal. This will come as a welcome relief and continue the very mild year 2012 has been so far. more